
Editors Note: The task of compiling the material for the Women's Section of this publication having devolved upon Mrs. Marie Hicks Davidson, she has displayed rare judgment and ability in completing it.  It has been largely due to her extensive acquaintance with California's notable women, the results of wide newspaper experience, that she has been successful in obtaining representative contributions, covering a wide range of subjects.  While, of course, no effort has been made at completeness, and obvious impossibility in such limited space, it may be said that if the list of contributors to this section does not include all the formost women of the State, it does contain none but those two for one reason or another are entitled to highest honors from California.  Mrs. Davidson is herself deeply interested in all those activities which modern women concerned herself.  She has owned and edited a newspaper, she was for a year a publicity writer on the Women's Board of the Exposition; she is a short story writer of recognized ability, and she regards life and its duties with that clear but high-spirited vision that makes California women immediately recognizable throughout the world.  Mrs. Davidson, it may be added, it is permanently identified with California's Magazine and will edit the women's department of this publication.


Source: California's Magazine, New Call Building, San Francisco, 1915, Page 381.

© 2002 Nancy Pratt Melton