San Diego County









            A native of the Golden state, M. H. Miller has always remained within its borders, prospering as a dairyman, and is the owner of a valuable ranch in the vicinity of Vista.  Born near Santa Ana, in Orange County, California, he is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, who have lived in Julian, San Diego County, since 1890.  They are the parents of six children, five sons and one daughter.

            M. H. Miller resided at Julian for about thirty-five years and in 1925 came to Vista.  Here he worked for L. H. Fanning, a dairyman, for five years, and in 1930 purchased the place from his employer.  Mr. Miller has since owned this property and has sixty acres of land under cultivation.  His buildings are large and substantial and modern equipment facilitates the work.  He has a fine herd of mixed dairy cows and supplies most of the residents of this locality with milk and cream.  The Miller ranch is on Vista Way and every day in summer is visited by a number of boys, who come here to enjoy a swim in the pool.  The owner of the ranch is thoroughly conversant with general agricultural pursuits and everything about the place bears evidence of his careful supervision and progressive methods.

            During the World War, M. H. Miller was overseas for nine months, being located in France and Belgium.  He was machine gun officer of the Ninety-first Division and was wounded in battle on his second night at the front.

            Mr. Miller was married to Miss Sallie Hickman at Tacoma, Washington, and they now have three children:  Marion H., Jr., Mary Louise and Theola Virginia, aged respectively twelve, eight and five years.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 95, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.