San Diego County









            Michael D. Goodbody, owner of the Goodbody Ivy Chapel and a well known funeral director of San Diego, was born in Kelstown, Missouri, October 10, 1901.  His parents, Richard J. and Harriet E. (Switzer) Goodbody, were members of two of the old families of California and the mother still lives in San Diego.  She has nine children:  Daniel S., Emmett Joseph, Paul Jerome, Patrick Francis and M. D. Goodbody; Ellen C., now Mrs. John Nelson; Sister Mary Richard, a member of religious order of the Catholic Church at Los Angeles; Ruth, the wife of Lewis E. Denton; and Florence, who resides with her mother at 4774 Panorama Drive.

            From his ancestors M. D. Goodbody inherited a strong physique and a keen mind and with these assets he has worked his way steadily upward in the commercial world.  He is an experienced mortician, thoroughly familiar with the details of that line of work, and capably supervises the labors of his subordinates.  In 1928 he became the proprietor of the Goodbody Ivy Chapel, which was entirely rebuilt in that year and converted into a modern funeral home.  The beauty of the building is enhanced by the ivy which completely covers the front of the chapel, giving it the appearance of an old mission restored.  The good taste of its owner is reflected in the furnishings and equipment, and the service rendered to patrons of the institution is perfect in every detail.

            On the 22nd of November, 1923, Mr. Goodbody was married to Miss Dorothy Payne, by whom he has three children:  Bernard Joseph, Patricia Louise and Edward Michael, aged respectively eight, seven and five years.  For recreation Mr. Goodbody turns to general agricultural pursuits and his desirable ranch of one hundred and sixty acres is well stocked with horses and cattle, while he has also found the raising of pedigreed chickens a profitable as well as an agreeable occupation.  His San Diego home is at 2435 C Street.  He is a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church, and his fraternal connections are with the Knights of Columbus and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  He belongs to the San Diego County, California State and American Associations of Funeral Directors and through the efficient conduct of his business upholds the high standards of these organizations.  Mr. Goodbody is still a young man who stands practically on the threshold of his career, and in view of what he has already accomplished; the future undoubtedly holds much in store for him.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 285-286, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.