San Diego County










            Albino Cauzza and Victor Vedova are the proprietors of the Cauzza-Vedova Dairy on the Mesa-Chiquita ranch at Santa Ysabel, San Diego County.  Their more than one hundred head of cows constitute one of the finest dairy herds in San Diego County, and they also own more than one thousand acres of valuable dairy land.  The ranch is part of the famous Santa Ysabel Ranch, comprising many thousands of acres, and Messrs. Cauzza and Vedova lease their land from the Santa Ysabel Company.

            The partners are natives of Switzerland and have become widely recognized as experts in dairy work, to which they have devoted their attention since coming to the United States.  Albino Cauzza immigrated to this country about 1922 in company with an uncle who had previously spent some years in America, and Victor Vedova arrived in the New World in 1920.  By reason of its membership in the Milk Producers Association of San Diego County, all products of the Cauzza-Vedova Dairy go to the Quality Dairy of San Diego.  Mr. Cauzza and his associate are successful and thoroughly reliable businessmen and industrious and substantial citizens of their adopted county.  Fraternally they are affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Ramona.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 631, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.